You can't just kill a person because you believe that black people are inherently dangerous, criminal, violent. It can't be so easy for you to pull your gun on a child.
I watched the video as Diamond Reynolds, an incredibly brave woman, recorded from her phone immediately after a cop shot and killed her boyfriend in the car seat next to her. While her 4 year old child was in the back seat. And with sadness, disgust, and exhaustion, I felt anger.
Because you can't murder a 22 year old unarmed woman and just walk away.
You can't murder a 12 year old boy and just walk away.
We're angry. Because black people must navigate a society built on white supremacy. From micro-aggressions, to larger systems of racism. It's why we get followed in stores. Why black kids are suspended from school more often than white kids. Why our lives are unfairly treated at traffic stops, in the education system, in housing practices, in the workplace, in the legal system. At home, at church, in a park, on the lawn, in custody, on a train, on a door step, in a stairwell.
It's a constant state of grief and trauma.
This work is for activists protesting in the streets and in their communities. These are free, downloadable images.
This work was done out of love and anger.
This page will continue to update with new work.
Open each image in a new tab for a high res image.
Not to be used for any for-profit purposes.
Download, print, keep on.